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Autpro s.r.o.
Kaštanová 34, 620 00 Brno
tel.: +420 545 563 345

Kiln Scanner TEMOS

Complex monitoring of rotary kiln

TEMOS – Temperature Monitoring System of cement rotary kiln provides continuous measurement of kiln shell surface temperatures, tyre slips measurement, cooling fans control, influence of ambient atmosphere on measured temperatures compensation and lining monitoring.

System is designed as modular system. Some modules are optional, is it possible to design most appropriate configuration of the system.

There is one module suitable for remote access, by means of Internet browser, to the system measured data.

Key features and benefits


Due to the modularity the system can be easily accommodated to various customer requests and rotary kiln operation conditions and also to a visualization system used by customer. Modules are connected through standard Ethernet communication what simplified the demands for communication infrastructure. Mostly there can be utilized the current existing communication infrastructure.

Integration with customer system

System TEMOS utilize OPC technology to acquire and distribute data. It is good base for ability to provide set of requested data with provision of dedicated OPC server. The system data is than more open to an OPC client based customer system (typically most of plant visualizations).

Multiple user remote access, web browser access, scalability

Due to a system modularity, there is possible to design TEMOS system as single user, multiple user with server – client concept and additionally there is available also web browser (Internet/intranet thin client) access to system data.

TEMOS system is scalable – there can be used Windows Server operating system for server system tier and an appropriate SQL Server version, which is based on requested number of clients (desktops with TEMOS visualization) and expected response time and application performance. Together with software infrastructure scalability can be handled hardware scalability (hardware scale in CPU performance, RAM, disk space, network speed, …)

Any of option modules can be implemented any time after system set-up in operation and commissioning.

TEMOS system brochure in pdf format.